The coast of Labrador covers more than 10 degrees of latitude and nearly 1000
miles by ship. Extremely indented and littered with thousands of islands it has
more fjords, harbours, arms and inlets that is possible to adequately represent
on any but the most professional of maps or charts. As the scale becomes smaller
the number of coves, channels, tickles, bights, and rocks becomes increasingly
more complex and the nomeclature more profuse. The bays listed are taken from the Department of Mines and Resources map of
Labrador (1:1,013,760 scale). It is by no means
complete and should be used in conjunction with a good atlas or other map of
Labrador. The coast is divided into three sections (North, Center , and South)
with a location map for each.
In the lists that
follow the major bay name comes first followed by any secondary inlets (usually
called "arm" or "harbour") indicated by a single
"-"; tertiary inlets are indicated by two "- -".Click
here to return to Appendix Index
Ryans Bay
Seven Islands Bay
- Kangalaksiorvik Fjord
- Sapogatsik Fjord
Nachvak Fjord
Russell Harbour
Ramah Bay
Saglek Bay
- Saglek Fjord
Hebron Fjord
Napartokh Bay
Okak Bay
Labrador North
Webb Bay
Webbers Bight
- Port Manvers Run
Tikkoatokak Bay
Nain Bay
Ford Harbour
Voisey Bay
Merryfield Bay
Newfoundland Harbour
Sanga Bay
Davis Inlet
Jem Lane Bay
Jack Lane Bay
Adlatok Bay
Ujutok Bay
Canairiktok Bay
Bay of Islands
Kaipokok Bay
Makkovik Bay
Adlavik Bay
Stag Bay
Webeck Harbour
Lord Arm
Jeannette Bay
Labrador Center
Byron Bay
Holton Harbour
Pottles Bay
Groswater Bay (Hamilton Inlet)
- Double Mer
- Lake Melville
- Valley Bay
- Mulligan Bay
- Sebaskachu Bay
- Goose Bay
- Etagaulet Bay
- The Backway
- West Bay
- Trunmore Bay
Sandwich Bay
- Packs Harbour
- Independent Harbour
- Indian Harbour
- Indian Harbour
- Muddy Bay
- Hare Harbour
Table Bay
Rocky Bay
- Stoney Arm
Porcupine Bay
- Open Bay
Shoal Bay
Patridge Bay
Caplin Bay
Hawke Bay
Martin Bay
St, Michael Bay
- White Bear Arn
Alexis Bay
- Marys Harbour
St. Lewis Sound
- St. Lewis Inlet
Horn Bay
Camp Bay
St. Peter Bay
Henley Harbour
Chateau Bay
Wreck Bay
Barge Bay
Black Bay
Red Bay
Carrol Cove
Pinware Bay
Diable Bay
Forteau Bay
Labrador South