Lindauer version
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 |
28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 |
37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 |
46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 |
55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 |
64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 |
73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 |
1.1 A tao that one can tao Is not the entire tao A name that one
can name Is not the entire name.
1.2 In the absence of names Lies the origin of heavens and earth
The presence of names Is mother to the 10000 things.
1.3 So viewing entireness without desire One may see subtleties
Viewing entireness with desire One may see boundaries.
1.4 That which is these both Goes about as itself yet there are
different names.
1.5 Categorizing them together there is insight Very deep insight
The gateway to collective subtleties.
2.1 In the world each knows how beauty acts Where there is beauty
ugliness begins
2.2 Each knows how to value Where there is value lack of value
2.3 In this manner Presence and absence give birth to each other
Difficult and easy complete each other Long and short contrast
each other
2.4 High and low attract each other Tone and voice harmonize each
other Front and back follow each other.
2.5 Appropriately it happens that sages Dwell absent of acting
with effort Do things without explaining in words
2.6 Make the 10000 things blend yet without trying to describe
them Give birth yet without possessing
2.7 Act yet without relying on results Are of outstanding service
yet aren't willing to reside therein.In the end, only be
unwilling to reside therein Appropriately, a lack of detachment
3.1 Being without esteem for principles Results in people who do
not contend
3.2 Being without treasuring goods difficult to obtain Results in
people who do not act as thieves
3.3 Being without seeing what one can desire Results in the minds
of people not being confused.
3.4 Appropriately the governing of sages happens. Baring the mind
Solidifying the center Lessening the will Strengthening
3.5 These entirely result in people Who are absent of knowing and
absent of desire
3.6 In the end they also result in the wise not venturing to act.
Acting absent of acting An absence of being without governing
4.1 Tao, like an empty bowl Being used somehow lacks fullness.
4.2 Such breadth! It seems to be a model for the 10000 things.
4.3 Blunting what is sharp Untying what is tangled Harmonizing
what is bright Being together with the dusty earth.
4.4 Such depth! It seems to somehow exist.
4.5 I have no knowledge whose child it is It appears to precede
the emperors.
5.1 Heavens and earth are without humanizing It happens that the
10000 things act as straw dogs
5.2 Sages are without humanizing It happens that one hundred
families act as straw dogs.
5.3 The space bounding heavens and earth is just like the equal
of a bellows Empty yet not subdued Stirring yet more goes out.
5.4 Much talk counts for little It can't compare to obeying the
6.1 The valley spirit has no death It is appropriately called the
all-embracing female
6.2 The gateway of The all-embracing female Is appropriately
called the root of heavens and earth.
6.3 Continuous, soft, it looks like it exists - It is
infrequently used.
7.1 Heavens, growth, earth, longevity.
7.2 In heavens and earth's place That which is able to grow and
further be long-lasting happens And something lacking existence
of a self happens So it is able to grow and give birth.
7.3 Appropriately it happens that sages Put their bodies behind
yet their bodies are ahead
7.4 Put their bodies outside yet their bodies are kept in.
7.5 Does it not happen they are absent of anomalous
self-interest? So they are able to perfect self-interest.
8.1 Better value looks like water The value if water profits the
10000 things yet without contending It dwells in places the
collective mind dislikes - So it is severed, relating to tao.
8.2 The value of a home is in location The value of a mind is in
breadth The value of a relationship is in humanity The value of a
word is in belief
8.3 The value of a government is in governing The value of an
effort is in ability The value of a movement is in time.
8.4 In the end only be without contending So be absent from
9.1 Holding yet being full Lacks compare to not yet being so
9.2 A sword blade being oversharpened Cannot long remain so
9.3 A living room full of gold and jade There is no one able to
guard it
9.4 Abundant treasures yet arrogance Self-condemnation,
9.5 Outstanding service performed The body withdrawing The tao of
the heavens.
10.1 In containing life-force and embracing oneness Is the
ability to be absent from departing equal?
10.2 In gently extending animus alone Is the ability to be as a
newborn child equal?
10.3 In cleansing and clearing insightful discernment Is the
ability to be absent of flaws equal?
10.4 In fondness for people, governing a nation Is the ability to
be absent of action equal?
10.5 In opening and closing the gate of heavens Is the ability to
be absent of femaleness equal?
10.6 In seeing clearly all four reaches Is the ability to be
absent from knowledge equal?
10.7 Be giving birth, be nourishing.Giving birth yet without
possessing Acting yet without sustaining Growing yet without
directing Is appropriately called insightful ideal.
11.1 Thirty spokes converge at one hub The use of a chariot is in
the presence of what is absent
11.2 Shaping clay, it happens to act as a vessel The use of a
vessel is in the presence of what is absent
11.3 Cutting doors and windows to have it act as a room The use
of a room is in the presence of what is absent.
11.4 So Where there is presence beneficial actions happen Where
there is absence useful actions happen.
12.1 Five colors blind the eye of man Five tones deafen the ear
of man Five flavors chafe the mouth of man
12.2 Racing and hunting inspire the mind of man to express
craziness Goods difficult to obtain hamper the path of man.
12.3 Appropriately it happens That sages act from the center
without acting from the eyes. So detach from that, grab this.
13.1 Favor and disgrace look alarming. The treasure of great
danger looks like the body.
13.2 Why say favor and disgrace look alarming? Favor acts
superior Disgrace acts inferior Being obtained it looks alarming
Being lost it looks alarming Appropriately say favor and disgrace
look alarming.
13.3 Why say the treasure of great danger looks like the body? I
place the occurrence of things of great danger As action of I in
the presence of a body. I reach the absence of a body I am
present with what danger? Appropriately say the treasure of great
danger looks like the body.
13.4 So treasuring it when the body acts in the world It looks
like one can be committed to the world. Being fond of it when the
body acts in the world It looks like one can be entrusted to the
14.1 Being observed, lacking sight Say the name smooth Being
listened to, lacking hearing Say the name rare Being pounced on,
lacking obtainment Say the name small.
14.2 That which these three describes cannot be resolved So they
mingle yet act as one.
14.3 What is high lacks brightness What is low lacks darkness
Restrictions and restraints cannot be named Return, merge with,
relate to the absence of things.
14.4 It is an appropriate action to call it The absence of being
shape's shape The absence of being thing's form. It is
appropriately called ungraspable, elusive Moving toward it there
is no seeing a head Following it there is no seeing a tail.
14.5 Holding the tao of the ancients Warding off presence of the
now happens The ability to know the ancient beginnings Is
appropriately called a bond to tao.
15.1 Those ancients who valued action in the tao Were insightful,
versatile, far-reaching, coherent.
15.2 Penetrating, one cannot understand In the end it is only
that one cannot understand So there is more than appears to their
actions. So resigned, like fording a river in winter Just so,
like respecting all four neighbors So reserved, like making an
15.3 So melting, like ice halfway released So genuine, like their
true nature So spacious, like a valley So well mixed, like muddy
15.4 Who is able to gently calm muddy water, clearing it? Who is
able to endure gently stirring tranquillity so it gives birth?
15.5 Those who maintain this tao have no desire for fullness In
the end only lack fullness So be able to be shabby yet perfect
the new.
16.1 Taking emptiness to the limit Observing stillness genuinely
16.2 Regarding the 10000 things as side-by-side It happens that I
view the return. In the end things grow and flourish Each
returns, merging with its root.
16.3 Merging with the root, say still Appropriately it is called
returning to giving birth. Returning to giving birth, say
16.4 Knowing entireness say illuminated Without knowing
entireness presumptuously do the faminous. Knowing entireness is
tolerance Tolerance leads to impartiality Impartiality leads to
kingliness Kingliness leads to the heavens The heavens lead to
16.5 Tao leads to what is long-lasting. Be without a body, lack
17.1 The very highest, little knowledge is present of it That
next is attached to yet praised That next is respected That next
is despised.
17.2 Where there is belief without enough within A lack of
believing what is within is present.
17.3 So remote, those treasure words Outstanding service
performed, efforts successful the one hundred families say We did
it naturally.
18.1 Great tao discarded, a presence of humanity, morality
18.2 Wisdom and intelligence come out, a presence of great
18.3 Families lack harmony, a presence of filial devotion and
18.4 The nation's emperor blinded, confused, a presence of loyal
19.1 Break away from sageliness, toss out wisdom People benefit
one hundred times over
19.2 Break away from humanity, toss out morality People return to
filial devotion and mothering
19.3 Break away from valuing, toss out profit Thieves and robbers
are not in existence.
19.4 These three used as a basis for action are ornament,
insufficient. So make present what principles?
19.5 See plainness Embrace true nature Reduce self-interest Limit
20.1 Break off from studying, there is an absence of grief. Being
individual or pandering to each other How do these differ?
Valuing or hating each other What is the difference?
20.2 It looks like one cannot lack respect for what others put
respect in Such reckless desertion! It is not yet centered, this
20.3 Collective mind is bright and sunny, gay and prosperous Like
enjoying a sacrificial ox Like ascending a tower in springtime.
The self alone, so moored! is not yet divined on the
tortoise-shell Like being a baby-child before it
smiles.Unattached, so unattached The self looks absent of a place
to merge.
20.4 In the collective mind each is present of a surplus Yet the
self alone appears to offer as a gift. The self is foolish, men's
minds are also this way Unclear, so unclear.
20.5 Customs of men are clear, obvious The self alone is dark,
indistinct Customs of men are curious, scrutinizing The self
alone is tightly closed, shut off. So indifferent, it looks like
the ocean Such a gusty wind, it looks ceaseless.
20.6 In the collective mind each possesses a cause Yet the self
alone seems stubborn and rustic The self alone differs from
relating to men Yet treasures nourishment in relating to the
21.1 An aperture is the appearance of the ideal Only tao is
appropriately followed.
21.2 The action of tao on things, Only elusive, only ungraspable.
So ungraspable, so elusive At its center, the presence of form So
elusive, so ungraspable At its center, the presence of things So
secluded, so hard to see At its center, the presence of belief.
21.3 From ancient times reaching into the present its name does
not depart Experience of the collective beginning happens.
21.4 Why do I happen to know the shape of the collective
beginning is this way? It just happens.
22.1 Flexibility, then comes wholeness Being twisted, then comes
straightness Emptiness, then comes fullness Shabbiness, then
comes newness Scarcity, then comes obtainment Abundance, then
comes perplexity.
22.2 Appropriately it happens that sages Embrace oneness Act as
the model of the world
22.3 Are not showing themselves so they are luminous Are not
justifying themselves so they are conspicuous Are not boasting of
themselves so outstanding service is performed Are not bragging
of themselves so they grow
22.4 In the end only lack contending So noone in the world is
able to be contending with them.
22.5 In ancient times there was a saying, That which is flexible
becomes whole. How can these be empty words? The essence, whole
yet being merged together.
23.1 Rare words are natural. So the fluttering winds do not last
all morning The sudden rainstorm does not last all day.
23.2 Who is it that acts this way? Heavens and earth. Heavens and
earth still lack the ability for longevity Yet what relates to
men is equal to this state of things?
23.3 So follow effort in things related to tao Be together with
relating to tao Follow effort in things related to the ideal Be
together with relating to the ideal Follow effort in things
related to losing Be together with relating to losing.
23.4 What is together with things related to tao Tao also obtains
joyfully What is together with things related to the ideal The
ideal also obtains joyfully What is together with things related
to losing Losing also obtains joyfully.
23.5 Belief without enough within A lack of belief in what is
within happens.
24.1 Those on tiptoe are not standing firmly Those who stride are
not moving
24.2 Those who show themselves are not luminous Those who justify
themselves are not conspicuous
24.3 Those who boast of themselves are not of outstanding service
Those who brag of themselves are not growing.
24.4 They that join tao also say Surplus food and redundant
actions are somehow disliked So those present with tao are not
dwelling there.
25.1 A presence of a thing mixed completely Before the birth of
heavens and earth So lonely, so deserted Standing alone yet
without deviating Working everywhere yet lacking danger Action of
the mother of the world can happen.
25.2 I have no knowledge of its name Giving a word, I say tao.
Stubbornly trying to name it I say great
25.3 Great, I say passing by Passing by, I say far-reaching
Far-reaching, I say returning.
25.4 So tao is great, heavens are great, earth is great Kings are
also great. In the center of the universe are four greatnesses
Yet kings stand still, blending them into one.
25.5 Man is an offshoot of earth Earth is an offshoot of the
heavens The heavens are an offshoot of tao Tao is an offshoot of
the natural.
26.1 Heaviness acts as root of lightness Stillness acts as
sovereign of agitation.
26.2 Appropriately it happens That sages travel throughout the
day Without departing from heavy or light Even though fabulous
views are present They dwell in great comfort and go about like
26.3 How would one be lord of 10000 war-chariots Yet have a body
which is light in the world?
26.4 Following lightness comes loss of the root Following
agitation comes loss of the sovereign.
27.1 Valuing going is absent of trace Valuing words are absent of
flaw or censure With valuing reckoning, counters or policies are
not used.
27.2 What is valuably shut Is absent of a barrier yet cannot be
opened What is valuably tied Is absent of restraint or
restriction yet cannot be untied.
27.3 Appropriately it happens that sages Entirely valuing help
others, so others are not thrown away Entirely valuing help
things, so things are not thrown away. Appropriately called
following the luminance.
27.4 So those who value others teach those who lack valuing
others Those who lack valuing others are a resource of those who
value others.
27.5 Without treasuring a teacher, or without loving a resource
Even the wise have great misconception. Appropriately called an
important subtlety.
28.1 Know what is male Keep to what is female Act as the ravine
of the world. Acting as the ravine of the world The ideal
entirely lacks separation Return, merge with, relate to a newborn
28.2 Know what is white Keep to what is black Act as the model of
the world. Acting as the model of the world The ideal entirely
lacks error Return, merge with, relate to an absence of reaching
28.3 Know what is honorable Keep to what is humiliating Act as
the valley of the world. Acting as the valley of the world The
ideal entirely becomes sufficient Return, merge with, relate to
true nature.
28.4 True nature broken and scattered Next comes action as tools
Being used by sages Next comes action as mediums for growth. In
this way great tailors are not cutting.
29.1 It is attained, the desire to grab the world yet be acting
on it I see it has not been satisfied yet
29.2 The world, a spirited tool, cannot act either.Those who act
are spoiling Those who take hold of are losing.
29.3 So of things Some lead and some follow Some gust and some
puff lightly Some are strong and some thin Some support and some
29.4 Appropriately it happens that sages are Apart from extremes
Apart from extravagance Apart from excess.
30.1 When it happens that tao assists men and lords The force of
the soldier is not in the world. What takes effort is likely to
30.2 Briars and thorns grow within the dwelling place of the army
Behind a great military comes the seed for a faminous year.
30.3 Those who value Achieve results yet stop Are without
venturing to strive to hold
30.4 Achieve results yet do not brag Achieve results yet do not
boast Achieve results yet do not be arrogant Achieve results yet
without being done Achieve results yet do not strive.
30.5 Things reach the prime and then are old? Appropriately
called not in accordance with tao What is not in accordance with
tao comes to an early end.
31.1 In the end those with fine strategies lack the tools of
fortune They have things which are somehow disliked So those who
are present with tao are not dwelling in them.
31.2 The master-child resides in and comes to treasure the left
Using strategy, come to treasure the right
31.3 -
31.4 Those with strategy lack the tools of fortune They have not
the tools of the master-child When using them in the absence of a
foreseeable need Uncaring, indifferent actions are better.
31.5 Conquer yet without embellishing Yet those who are
embellishing justify joy in slaughtering men In the end those who
are joyful in slaughtering men Cannot come to achieve their
aspired relation with the world.
31.6 -
32.1 The tao entirely lacks a name Although its true nature is
tiny Noone in the world is able to methodize it either.
32.2 If nobles and kings are able to keep to it The 10000 things
attain self-spontaneity
32.3 The heavens and earth join with each other and it rains
sweet dew It is the command of noone but people cooperate.
32.4 Once measuring begins names are present Names are also
grasped and possessed In the end the knowledge of stopping also
follows With knowledge of stopping lack of danger can happen.
32.5 Analogically, tao being in the world Is just like how the
streams and valleys relate to rivers and seas.
33.1 Those who know men are wise Those with self-knowledge are
33.2 Those who conquer others possess strength Those who conquer
themselves possess force
33.3 Those with knowledge of enough are wealthy Those who strive
to go possess aspiration
33.4 Those who are not losing their place are long-lasting Those
who die yet without perishing are long-lived.
34.1 Great tao flowing everywhere It can be left or right
34.2 All things depend on it yet exist yet without being denied.
Outstanding service is performed without the presence of names It
clothes and cultivates the 10000 things Yet without acting as
34.3 With entireness absent of desire One can name in relation to
34.4 The 10000 things merge and blend Yet without action as lord
one can name great actions.
34.5 What is entirely without a self to act great happens So it
is able to perfect what is great.
35.1 Take hold of the great form The world comes toward Comes
toward without harm Peace and stability in the extreme.
35.2 Music and handing out dainties Passing guests stop
35.3 Things belonging with tao expressed Its blandness is equal
to its lack of flavor. Observing lacks enough sight Listening
lacks enough hearing Using lacks enough grasp.
36.1 Attain the desire for inhaling Firmly seed exhaling Attain
the desire of lessening Firmly seed strengthening Attain the
desire of discarding Firmly seed allowing back Attain the desire
of taking by force Firmly seed giving away
36.2 Appropriately called subtle luminance. Yielding conquers the
firm Lessening conquers the strong.
36.3 Fish cannot escape relating to deep water A direction for
man cannot happen with tools benefitting a nation.
37.1 Tao, entirely absent of acting Yet is absent of being
without acting.
37.2 If nobles and kings are able to keep to it The 10000 things
attain self-transformation Transforming yet desiring to do. When
I am able to calm the restless An absence of naming true nature
happens. With an absence of naming true nature In the end an
absence of desire is also obtained
37.3 Without desire tranquillity happens The world attains
38.1 Higher ideal lacks ideal Appropriately presence of the ideal
happens Lower ideal lacks a loss of ideal Appropriately absence
of the ideal happens.
38.2 Higher ideal is absent of acting yet absent of causing
acting Lower ideal is acting yet present with causing acting.
38.3 Higher humanity is acting yet absent of causing acting
Higher morality is acting yet present with causing acting Higher
propriety is acting yet the response of noone appears Next comes
grabbing the arm yet throwing it aside.
38.4 So lose tao yet back ideal Lose ideal yet back humanity Lose
humanity yet back morality Lose morality yet back propriety. In
the end those with propriety Have loyal belief without warmth yet
the leader of being confused
38.5 Those with knowledge of what comes next The flower of Tao
yet the origin of being fooled.
38.6 Appropriately it happens that the great husband Dwells in
what is spread thickly, not residing in what lacks warmth Dwells
in the fruit, not residing in the flower. So detach from that,
grab this.
39.1 From old those which are with one: Heavens with one,
settling happens Earth with one, a direction happens Spirit with
one, animation happens
39.2 Valley with one, fullness happens The 10000 things with one,
giving birth happens Nobles and kings with one, pure action in
the world happens. These are the results:
39.3 Heavens absent of settling will, I am afraid, crack Earth
absent of direction will, I am afraid, shake Spirit absent of
animation will, I am afraid, fall asleep
39.4 Valley absent of fullness will, I am afraid, be used up The
10000 things absent of giving birth will, I am afraid, die off
Nobles and kings absent of pure action will, I am afraid, be set
39.5 So it happens that the common acts as a root to the
treasured The lower acts as a base to the higher.
39.6 Appropriately it happens That kings and nobles call
themselves orphaned, widowed, unfavored. Does it not happen that
the common acts as root to the anomalous?
39.7 Are not these the same? So incur praise absent of praising
39.8 Be without desiring to tinkle, tinkle, as if jade Clatter,
clatter, as if stone.
40.1 That which returns is tao moving That which lessens is tao
40.2 The world, the 10000 things give birth in relation to
presence Presence gives birth in relation to absence.
41.1 Better knights hear of tao Dutifully, yet they are
practicing it Average knights hear of tao They look aware, they
look unaware
41.2 Lesser knights hear of tao They have great laughing. Without
laughing, there's not enough of the action of tao happening.
41.3 So long-established words are present. Luminous tao looks
dark Advancing tao looks like it is falling back Level tao looks
uneven Better ideal looks like a valley Great whiteness looks
41.4 Extensive ideal looks like it lacks enough Established ideal
looks unsteady Durable ideal looks changeable Great squares are
absent of corners Great tools are slowly perfected Great music
sounds faint Great form lacks shape.
41.5 Tao is hidden, absent from name In the end, Only tao values
lending at interest and moreover perfects.
42.1 Tao gives birth to one One gives birth to two Two gives
birth to three Three gives birth to the 10000 things.
42.2 All things carry yin and embrace yang With their blended
animus, action in harmony happens.
42.3 In the time of men they dislike orphaned, widowed, unfavored
Yet kings and lords regard such as praiseworthy.
42.4 -
42.5 Men have told others I also am telling Those who are
striving and fierce die incomplete. I use this as the father of
my teaching.
43.1 The most yielding reach of he world Gallops around the most
rigid reach of the world Absence of presence enters absence of
space. Appropriately I come to know There is presence of
advantage in the absence of acting.
43.2 Telling without words Advantage in the absence of acting The
world rarely reaches this.
44.1 Name or body, which is more prized? Body or wealth, which is
more abundant? Obtaining or losing, which is the greater fault?
44.2 So appropriately Being very fond seeds great cost What is
abundantly stashed seeds heavy loss.
44.3 Know enough, lack disgrace Know to stop, lack danger Growth
and the long-lasting can happen.
45.1 Great perfection looks incomplete Used it lacks impairment
Great fullness looks like it needs more Used it lacks exhaustion.
Great straightness looks bent
45.2 Great skill looks awkward Great eloquence looks like it
45.3 Restlessness conquers the cold Stillness conquers the heated
Clarity and stillness act on the world, ordering it.
46.1 When the world is present with tao It happens that even
galloping horses fertilize When the world is absent of tao
War-horses exist in the suburbs.
46.2 No calamity is greater than relating to not knowing enough
No fault is greater than relating to the desire to obtain.
46.3 So know the enough of being enough There is entirely enough
to go with each.
47.1 Without going out through doors know the world Without
seeing out through windows see the tao of the heavens Who travels
extremely far knows extremely little.
47.2 Appropriately it happens that sages Are without going out
yet know Are without seeing out yet name Are without acting yet
48.1 Act academic, daily gain Act tao, daily lose. Losing, again
48.2 It happens, reaching relating to the absence of acting
Absence of acting yet absence of being without acting.
48.3 Grabbing the world, an entire absence of effort happens
Liking entirely the presence of effort Is insufficient to precede
grabbing the world.
49.1 Sages are entirely absent of mind It happens that the mind
of the one hundred families acts as a mind.
49.2 Those who are valued I am valuing Those who lack value I
also am valuing Ideal valuing.
49.3 Those who are believed I am believing Those who are not
believed I also am believing Ideal believing.
49.4 Sages in the world inhale Inhale, act, mix with the mind of
the world. The one hundred families concentrate their ears and
eyes Sages are each being children.
50.1 Life going out, death entering
50.2 There is living following 13 There is dying following 13.The
life of man strives toward the realm of death, also 13. Why is it
so in the end? It happens, it is life lived thickly.
50.3 As a fact it is well known that those skilled in preserving
life Travel the land without running into rhinos and tigers The
militia enters and the strategy is to lack armor.
50.4 The rhino is absent of a place to thrust its horn The tiger
is absent of a place to affix its claw The army is absent of a
place to admit its blade. Why is it so in the end? It happens,
they are absent of the realm of death.
51.1 Tao is giving birth Ideal is raising Things are embodying
The environment is perfecting. Appropriately it happens that of
the 10000 things None lack venerating tao yet treasuring ideal.
51.2 The venerability of tao, the treasurability of the ideal In
the end it is the command of noone yet it is entirely natural. So
tao is giving birth Ideal is raising Growing, rearing, balancing,
maturing, deepening, enveloping.
51.3 Giving birth yet without possessing Acting yet without
relying Growing yet without directing Appropriately called
insightful ideal.
52.1 The world is present of an origin It happens that this acts
as the mother of the world. Grasp and hold what is the mother
Knowledge of what is the child happens
52.2 Grasp knowledge of what is the child Return, keep to what is
the mother Till the end the body lacks danger.
52.3 Cork its bottle Obstruct its door Eventually the body lacks
52.4 Open its bottle Complete its effort Eventually the body
lacks hope.
52.5 Seeing the small say luminous Keeping to yielding say strong
52.6 Using what is bright Return, merge with what is luminous. An
absence of offering bodily misfortune as a gift Is appropriately
called learning entirely.
53.1 Supposing myself to have as little knowledge as I do I am
doing things relating to great tao It alone imposes appropriate
53.2 Great tao is very even yet people are fond of byways
53.3 Courts are very divided Fields are very weedy Granaries are
very empty
53.4 Clothes are ornamented and patterned Sharp swords are worn
Food and drink satiate Money and goods are present in surplus.
Appropriately called robbery, extravagance This way is also not
54.1 That which is valuably established is not weeded out That
which is valuably embraced is not shed off. It happens, children
and grandchildren Sacrifice to ancestors without reflection.
54.2 Tending to relating to the body Its ideal will be real
Tending to relating to the family Its ideal will be bubbling over
Tending to relating to the community Its ideal will be growing
Tending to relating to the nation Its ideal will be abundant
Tending to relating to the world Its ideal will be everywhere.
54.3 So body happens seeing body Family happens seeing family
Community happens seeing community Nation happens seeing nation
World happens seeing world.
54.4 Why does it happen that I know the nature of the world? This
just happens.
55.1 Holding the richness of the ideal in the mouth Compares to
relating to a newborn child. Poisonous bugs are without stinging
Fierce animals are without grasping Birds of prey are without
pouncing. There are weak bones and yielding tendons, yet a firm
55.2 The male does not yet know union with the female Yet its
virility is strong It has essence even at the extreme.
55.3 Screaming all day yet without being hoarse Harmonizing even
at the extreme.Knowing harmony say entireness Knowing entireness
say luminous In accord with giving birth say happy The mind
results in animus, say strong.
55.4 -
55.5 Things reach the prime and then grow old? What is called
this is without tao. What is without tao comes to an early end.
56.1 Those who know are without words Those with words are
without knowing.
56.2 Corking its bottle Obstructing its door Blunting its
sharpness Untying its tangles Harmonizing its brightness Being
together with the dusty earth Appropriately called insightful
56.3 So one cannot obtain it yet be attached One cannot obtain it
yet be detached One cannot obtain it yet benefit One cannot
obtain it yet be harmed One cannot obtain it yet treasure One
cannot obtain it yet consider as common. So it acts as the
treasure of the world.
57.1 When governing the nation happens correctly Surprising use
of strategy happens. Absent of effort grabbing the world happens.
Why do I know this is so? This just happens.
57.2 The world has an abundance of prohibitions and taboos Yet
people become increasingly inadequate People have an abundance of
beneficial tools Confusion multiplies in the families of the
57.3 Men have an abundance of skills and cleverness Surprising
things arise and multiply Laws and decrees multiply conspicuously
Robbers and thieves are present in abundance.
57.4 So sages say I am absent of action yet people transform
themselves I am fond of stillness yet people correct themselves
57.5 I am absent of effort yet people are of themselves wealthy I
am absent from desire yet people of themselves exhibit true
58.1 They who administrate are covered, muffled Their people are
pure, honest They who administrate are exacting, scrutinizing
Their people are incomplete, deficient.
58.2 Such misfortune! The place of happiness place is to lean
upon it Such happiness!
58.3 The place of misfortune is to be suppressed. Who knows its
limit? It is absent from the correct.The correct returns, acting
surprising The valued returns, acting as evil spirits. The dirt
in the eye of men, It is solid, everyday, long-lasting.
58.4 Appropriately it happens that sages are Square yet without
cutting Pointed yet without piercing Straight yet not unbridled
Bright yet not dazzling.
59.1 In governing people Noone compares efforts of the heavens to
59.2 In the end only restraint is appropriately called quickly
resolving What is called quickly resolving has heavy accumulation
of ideal. Following heavy accumulation of ideal Comes absence of
lacking conquering Following absence of lacking conquering Noone
knows limits
59.3 When noone knows limits Presence of a nation can happen. In
the presence of the mother of a nation Growth and longevity may
59.4 Appropriately called Deep roots, firm stalks, growth, life,
longevity, looking at tao.
60.1 Governing a great nation looks like cooking tiny fish.
60.2 When it happens that tao is present in the world What is
clever lacks spirit
60.3 What is not clever lacks spirit What has spirit is not
wounding man What has no spirit is not wounding man. Sages also
are not wounding man.
60.4 In the end both are without wounding each other So ideal is
reached, merges, comes within.
61.1 Those which are great nations flow and spread lower The
intersection of the world The female of the world. The female
entirely conquers the male through stillness
61.2 It happens that stillness acts lower. So when a great nation
is lower than a tiny nation It next grabs the tiny nation When a
tiny nation is lower than a great nation It next grabs the great
61.3 So some are lower and it happens they grab Some are lower
and yet they grab.
61.4 Without fail a great nation desires to bring together and
rear others Without fail a tiny nation desires to enter into the
efforts of others.
61.5 In the end for both of these to acquire their desired
position Those which are great appropriately act low.
62.1 That which is tao is treasurehouse for the 10000 things
Treasure of the valuing man Place of refuge for the man who is
not valuing.
62.2 Embellished words can cause respect to be marketed Doing
valued things can cause lavish praise to enter Men who are not
valuing, why be rejecting their presence?
62.3 So establish the emperor Install three ministers Even though
it happens That the gift of the large jade disk is preceded by a
team of horses It can not compare to sitting, emulating this tao.
62.4 Why did it happen that in ancient times There were those who
treasured this tao? Did they go without saying Seek and finding
happens Possess faults and escape from the anomalous happens? So
it acts as the treasure of the world
63.1 Acting absent of acting Effort absent of effort Tasting
absent of tasting
63.2 Great, small, abundant, few Repay hatred, ideal happens.
63.3 Planning the difficult relates to what is easy Acting great
relates to what is small
63.4 The difficult efforts of the world seed doing related to
what is easy The great efforts of the world seed doing related to
what is small.
63.5 Appropriately it happens That sages eventually lack great
action So they are able to perfect what is great.
63.6 In the end light promises seed scanty belief Abundant
easiness seeds abundant difficulty.
63.7 Appropriately it happens That sages see all things as being
equally difficult So eventually an absence of difficulty is with
64.1 What is peaceful is easily maintained What is not begun is
easily planned What is fragile is easily shattered What is tiny
is easily scattered.
64.2 Acting relates to the not yet present Governing relates to
the not yet confused.
64.3 A tree as big as the embrace of a man is born relating to
very tiny shoots A nine story tower is raised relating to a pile
of earth A journey of a thousand li begins in relating to where
you stand.
64.4 Those who act are spoiling Those who take hold of are losing
Appropriately it happens that sages are absent of action So there
is an absence of spoiling Are absent of taking hold of So there
is an absence of losing.
64.5 The following of people of effort in the entire Relates to
perfecting part yet spoiling Following care throughout as if just
64.6 Comes an absence of spoiling effort.Appropriately it happens
that sages Desire without desiring Are without treasuring goods
difficult to obtain Learn without learning Return to the place
where the collective mind passes And come to support the
self-nature of the 10000 things Yet without venturing to act.
65.1 Those ancients who valued acting in tao Did not come to be
luminous People attaining it came to be foolish.
65.2 The difficulty with governing people? It happens that what
is wise is abundant. So if it happens that wisdom governs the
nation It is the enemy of the nation If it does not happen that
wisdom governs the nation It is the good luck of the nation
65.3 Those who know both these things Also investigate the
patterns of entireness To know and investigate patterns is
appropriately called insightful ideal.
65.4 Insightful ideal goes with the penetrating, with the
far-reaching With it things go with turning back And will reach
the great alignment.
66.1 In the place of rivers and seas The ability to act as that
which is the king of one hundred valleys happens It happens they
value being low So the ability to act as the king of one hundred
valleys happens.
66.2 Appropriately it happens that Desire to be above people
seeds the occurrence of words being low Desire to precede people
seeds the occurrence of the body following
66.3 Appropriately it happens that sages Dwell above yet people
lack heaviness Dwell in front yet people are without being held
back Appropriately it happens That the world joyfully supports
them yet without tiring.
66.4 It happens they lack contention So in the world noone is
able to be contending with them.
67.1 In the world each says My tao is great and seems to lack
resemblance In the end only great therefore seems to lack
resemblance. It looks like resemblance goes with the long-lasting
With what is tiny as well.
67.2 In the end I possess three principles I am obtaining yet
defending One, say compassion Two, say thrift Three say lack of
venturing to act to precede the world.
67.3 Compassion, so be able to be brave Thrift, so be able to
expand Lack venturing to act to precede the world So be able to
perfect tools of growth.
67.4 Right now, abandon compassion just to be brave Abandon
thrift just to expand Abandon being behind just to precede Death
goes with these.
67.5 In the end with compassion A war happens and next comes
conquering Keeping to it happens and next comes solidity. The
heavens attain helping It happens that compassion is defending.
68.1 Those who value acting as sergeants lack ferocity Those who
value war lack anger
68.2 Those who value conquering lack engagement Those who value
using men are acting low.
68.3 Appropriately called ideal of lacking being contending
Appropriately called strength to be using men Appropriately
called distributing the ancient limit of the heavens.
69.1 Strategists possess words I am without venturing to act as
lord yet act as guest Without venturing to enter an inch yet fall
back a foot.
69.2 Appropriately called Going absent of going Grabbing absent
of an arm Throwing absent of opposition Taking hold of absent of
an enemy.
69.3 No misfortune is greater than relating to light opposition
Light opposition severs and destroys my principles.
69.4 So when opposing strategies escalate each other Conquering
goes with those who mourn.
70.1 My words Are very easy to know Are very easy to practice. In
the world Noone is able to know Noone is able to practice.
70.2 Words possess an ancestor Efforts possess a sovereign. In
the end only with absence of knowledge Appropriate lack of
self-knowledge happens Knowledge of that which is the self is
rare And then that which is the self is treasured.
70.3 Appropriately it happens that sages have A covering of
coarse cloth A bosom of jade.
71.1 Knowing, lack of knowing Better, lack of knowing Knowing, a
disease.In the end only when the disease is sick Appropriate lack
of the disease happens.
71.2 Sages lack the disease It happens the disease was sick.
Appropriately lack of the disease happens.
72.1 People lack respect for impressive strength And then greatly
impressive strength is reached.
72.2 An absence of improper familiarity for what is their place
of residence An absence of detesting what is their place of
living In the end only without detesting Appropriate lack of
detesting happens
72.3 Appropriately it happens that sages Know themselves without
displaying themselves Are fond of themselves without treasuring
themselves. So detach from that, grab this.
73.1 Bravery in relation to venturing, next comes being killed
Bravery in relation to lack of venturing, next comes being mobile
73.2 Each of these two benefits some, harms some.The place of the
heaves dislikes Who knows why it is so? Appropriately it happens
that sages see it just as difficult.
73.3 The tao of the heavens Without contending yet values
conquering Without words yet values responding Without summoning
yet attracts to itself Is easy-natured yet values a place for
73.4 The net of the heavens is vast, expansive A coarse mesh yet
without loss.
74.1 When people lack respect for death How does it happen that
death looks threatening?
74.2 Suppose people entirely respect death Yet there are those
who act strange. I may obtain hold of them yet who would venture
to be killing them?
74.3 Entireness possesses that which is the master killer,
killing.In the end taking the place Of that which is the master
killer, killing Is appropriately called Taking the place of the
great carpenter, carving. In the end take the place of the great
carpenter, carving It is rarely true that a lack of wounding the
hand goes with this.
75.1 The hunger of people It happens that those above feed by
taxing abundantly Appropriately hunger happens.
75.2 The difficulty in governing people It happens that those
above possess action Appropriately the difficulty in governing
75.3 The lightness of people at death It happens that those above
reach for the thickness of life Appropriately lightness at death
happens. In the end only those who are absent of acting to live
Are appropriately wise in relating to treasuring life.
76.1 The life of man is also yielding, weak His death is also
rigid, unyielding.
76.2 The 10000 things, the grass and trees Their living is also
yielding, fragile Their dying is also dried up, withered.
76.3 So that which is rigid, unyielding is the pupil of dying
That which is yielding, weak is the pupil of living
76.4 Appropriately it happens that With unyielding soldiers, next
comes lack of conquering With an unyielding tree, next comes
being attacked.
76.5 Dwelling in the unyielding and great is worse Dwelling in
the yielding and supple is better.
77.1 The tao of the heavens, it is just like opening up a bow
With that which towers being restrained That which is lowered
being lifted That which has surplus being decreased That which
lacks enough being supplemented.
77.2 The tao of the heavens Decreasing in the presence of surplus
Yet supplementing what lacks enough. The tao of man, and then it
lacks being so Reducing what lacks enough Coming to esteem the
presence of surplus.
77.3 Who is able to come to esteem presence of surplus in the
world? Only those present with tao.
77.4 Appropriately it happens that sages Act yet without relying
Are of outstanding service yet without dwelling therein They lack
desire to display principles.
78.1 In the world nothing is supple and weak in relation to water
Yet of those things which attack the firm and unyielding Nothing
is able to do better In what is absent, this easily happens.
78.2 Being supple conquers the unyielding Being weak conquers the
firm In the world Noone is without knowing it Noone is able to
practice it.
78.3 Appropriately it happens that sages say He who accepts the
disgrace of a nation Is appropriately called lord of the grain
shrine He who accepts the misfortune of a nation Is appropriately
acting as the king of the world. Correct words look like they
turn back.
79.1 Harmonize great resentment Seed the presence of a surplus of
resentment How can valuing actions happen peacefully?
79.2 Appropriately it happens that sages Take hold of the left of
a contract Yet lack censure in relating to men.
79.3 Presence of ideal controls the agreement Absence of ideal
controls its resolution.
79.4 The tao of heaven is absent of favorites It is entirely with
the valuing man.
80.1 A tiny nation, few people Suppose the presence of 10 or one
hundred times too many tools Yet they are unused Suppose people
heavy with death Yet lack moving far.
80.2 Even present with boats and carriages There is an absence of
a place to be riding Even present with armor and weapons There is
an absence of a place to be displaying them.
80.3 Suppose men return to knotting cords and using them What is
eaten is sweet What serves as clothing is beautiful What is a
home is peaceful What is common is joyful.
80.4 Nearby nations overlook each other Crowing, barking sounds
are heard by each other People reach old age and die Without
coming and going between each other
81.1 Believed words lack embellishment Embellished words lack
81.2 Those who value lack argument Those who argue lack valuing
81.3 Those who know lack learning Those who learn lack knowing.
81.4 The sages are without accumulating Grasping, it happens they
act Others later gain presence Grasping, it happens they give
Others later gain abundance.
81.5 The tao of the heavens Benefitting yet without spoiling The
tao of the sages Acting yet without contending.